How to Juggle Mom Life and Entrepreneur Life Like a Boss

Ever watch a movie about a successful professional mom, who’s epically fulfilled with her personal life, always smiling and wonder …

How does she do it?

News Flash: It’s a movie!

There really is no one-size-fits all formula to master the juggling act of mom life meets entrepreneur life.

But, from nearly 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur, and 10 years of experience as a mompreneur I have a few helpful tricks:

-           Learn the difference Glass Balls vs Plastic Balls

-           Pre-plan to Avoid Overwhelm, with Year at a Glance

-           Get Kids Excited about your Passion


Juggling Mompreneur Life – Glass Balls vs Plastic Balls

The juggling act varies day to day, but typically you are on a 9am thru 3pm mom boss mode. Right?

But what if a major retailor wants to meet with you and they can only see you Thursday 5pm? That’s a glass ball.

You better dig thru your phone-a-friend/spouse/babysitter/neighbor/friend list !!! and get to that 5pm meeting-of-a-lifestyle.

Sure, you promised your kids a trip to host an after-school study and play date. Cancel!

That’s a glass vs plastic ball scenario. Let the plastic ball drop – in this case hosting play date.

Chances are. you’re very good at identifying important glass balls that pertain to your kids – someone’s hurt, in serious need … - just make sure you can also be mindful of glass balls as they relate to your business.

Juggling Mompreneur Life – Pre-plan with Year at a Glance

Before you really have all the details down for how the year will unfold, there are always a few givens:

-           Birthdays and vacations

-           Major conferences, seasonal deadlines

-           Approx month for kids recitals, top sports competitions, etc.

-           Your top Sales Season/pop ups

-           School Closures

-           Religious Holidays

Pencil in hand, go month-to-month jotting down all of the above. Essentially, you’re mapping out your year from a high-level perspective.

I allow myself no more than 5 big-ticket items per month. If I see a heavy month, while doing Year at a Glance, it’s time to make a shift now to avoid mom-guilt, work-guilt and general anxiety of committing to too much!

Why pencil?

Erasing is my friend. Then, once I’m happy with the vision, I’ll go in with colored pens and jazz up the page.

Juggling Mompreneur Life – Kids Want You to Succeed

For SEO purposes I’ve used “juggle mompreneur life” several times because that’s what you all type in search engines. BUT, I hate the word juggle.

I’m not a circus performer. I’m a mom who is passionate about her professional life and her personal life!

By sharing my passion with my kids, I get them excited about what I’m creating. They root for my wins – ask how many women have signed up for HLAM Inner Circle, want details on Hustle Like a Mom events, and even get to go with me to TV shoots (after helping pack my bags the previous night).

Make your kids excited about your passion. Show them what you do. Show them that part of your world. Show them wins, explain failures as lessons learned, and don’t hog your happy hustle.

Your kids will begin to value your passion, and, as they get older, will respect your need for dedicated work hours. They may even learn a-thing-or-two about passion, grit and perseverance.

Juggling Mompreneur Life – No Magic Wand

Running a business as a between drop off and pick up mompreneur is not easy. But …

Having the right mindset – glass balls vs plastic balls – helps.

Having a pre-game planning strategy – Year at a Glance – will ensure less overwhelm and scheduling conflicts.

Sharing your entrepreneurial journey with your kids will make them understand and respect your, as my friend Eve Rodskey calls it Unicorn Space, ie your passion for your business.

There may not be a magic wand, but there is a magical community called HLAM Inner Circle that helps you plan and execute your year.

Is HLAM Inner Circle right for you? Learn more.


Edit To Expand: Learn How To Simplify Your Business In Order To Grow


Planning Your Breaks Can Boost Business Success